Curriculum Intent

At Stanchester Academy:

All students follow a curriculum that encompasses our ethos of raising individual ambition and providing the best opportunities for individuals to increase their social mobility and cultural capital.

We deliver a curriculum that recognises the importance of teaching traditional academic subjects alongside appropriate vocational choices, as well as developing strong literacy skills.

There is a focus on teaching expert subject knowledge, where subjects deliver depth and understanding rather than teaching purely to final examinations.

Throughout KS3 and KS4 we seek to develop kind and resilient individuals, exposing students to experiences that broaden horizons and increase their future opportunities.

There is an emphasis on educating the whole child, with attention given to their academic, emotional, mental, physical, and social development.

Our curriculum enables our students to make wise and informed choices and, ultimately, to be successful, caring, and productive citizens of the local, national, and global communities they live in.

Curriculum Implementation

We achieve our curriculum intent through the following implementation principles:

1. A carefully planned and sequenced curriculum across all subjects, including our extra-curricular provision.

2. Rigorous and timely assessment that provides detailed feedback to students and informs future planning.

3. Teaching that demonstrates expert subject knowledge, an understanding of how students learn, plans for the long-term retention of knowledge and skills, and uses effective marking and feedback to ensure all students to make excellent progress over time.

4. A consistent approach to teaching and learning (through our ‘Outstanding Learning Guide’) that is driven by research informed practices and enabled by ongoing and supportive teacher development.

5. Behaviour and inclusion policies that enable all students to learn and make progress, supported by clear and consistently applied routines.

Curriculum Impact

Our ambition for all students is that they successfully leave Stanchester Academy with:

1. Outstanding GCSE and vocational qualifications that demonstrate gained knowledge, skills, and progress over time.

2. The knowledge, skills and character that equip them for successful future decision making in life and the world of work.

3. A destination that meets the students’ goals and aspirations and equips them for future progression.